
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A little of what I did over break

Back to work and it is wonderful. I have loved hearing about what God did over break in everyone’s lives. And there are still so many more stories to be heard. My break was great! I got to spend time with family and do some pretty cool projects with my sister (pictures below). Christmas was great! I had a chance to talk with my parents about my future plans after this internship, not that I have anything really planned, just many things festering in my head.

Hannah and I bought black sneakers from Walmart
We put them in a bleach bath for two days. We put them in the
washing machine but that tore them up so I would
not suggest doing it that way unless you want the worn look.

I drew with Elmer's glue where I wanted to dye to
resist then dyed my shoes purple.

I dyed the shoe laces orange and used Sharpie fabic markers
to draw on the shoes. Here is the finished project!

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