
Friday, January 11, 2013

What I've learned...

It’s a new year and my last semester working as a Staff Intern at the Campus House. This week I have spent some time remembering my time here. I started writing down everything I have learned, first to see and acknowledge all God has grown in me, but also to recognize how I can be more intentional in my last semester.

What I have learned:

I enjoy reading not just for pleasure but also for knowledge.

In order to build more connections I have to speak what I am thinking.

Others need to be praised for their willingness to help.

Even when I overall loved my job there were some things that were frustrating and I did not like doing, but that’s ok. 

“Good” is not an acceptable answer. You have to share what made it good.

My supporters want to hear about what I am doing. I have to share as much in newsletters as I do in real life.

Ministry happens in the interruptions.

Just because I didn’t get everything crossed off my list doesn’t mean it wasn’t a successful day.

Budget and you will have the money you need when you need it.

The only way to hear someone’s story is to ask them to tell it.

Others do not process or view things the same way I do. I cannot force them to enjoy the same things I do.

Others need to be praised for their abilities.

Just because plans change doesn’t mean I have to wait until they are final to share them with others.

When you want to give up, don’t. Afterwards you will feel like you can do anything.

Looking at Pinterest and listening to a sermon is a good use of my multi-tasking skills.

 Everything doesn’t need to be fixed.

There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to make a Wednesday night happen.

Group projects were not just a school thing. Every project I work on I get input from everyone else to make it better.

Understand sometimes it is physically impossible for me to do it all.

How to delegate and have patience with those I delegate to.

In order to hear someone’s story I have to ask the right questions.

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